In the book of Revelation, Chapter 22:18, it says "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;". I think I may be in trouble. In one of the blank pages in the back of my bible, I've added some thoughts and sayings over the years. So, in case I break out in boils or get scorched by the sun, I've posted them here:
"The Lord rewards faithfulness about fruitfulness" - Billy Graham
- God looks at our methods, not results
- Excuses are often lies packed in the skin of reason
- Excuses are just reasons why you would do it again
- "The ship belongs in the water of the world, but if the water gets in the ship, it sinks" - Dwight L Moody
- If you have faith enough to ask, you have faith enough
- The central struggle of the Christian life is the struggle to keep on believing Jesus
- Glorifying God is not what you do for Him (Law), it's what God has done for you (Grace)
- The beginning of entitlement is the end of grace
- Vision will not be embraced by anyone if it's not embraced by you
- The fear of consequences is no deterrent when the fear of God is gone
- The pillars of trust are competence and character
- "It's amazing what you can accomplish of you don't worry about who gets the credit" - Ronald Reagan
- "God doesn't want you to invite Him into your business, He wants to get you into His" - Brett Johnson
- The Holy Spirit doesn't make me better than you, He makes me better than me
- "Jesus isn't looking for salesmen, He's looking for witnesses" - Travis Osborne
- "We pray that God makes our circumstances better, but God uses our circumstances to make us better" - David Jeremiah
- "Greatness = calculated and constant action that benefits others" - Travis Osborne
- No God, no peace; Know God, know peace
- Far from God? Who moved?
Now my only dilemma is that the next verse in Revelation says "and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book".
Now what do I do?
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